

இறுதியாக Comeback special படித்தேன் .லக்கி லுக் ஸ்டோரி not bad. Others bore!.Mr.Vijayan Sir we are expect more interesting stories like Captain Tiger.



Today Christmas. Worldwide festival being celebrate. Christmas is festival to be celebrate by helping orphans and needed peoples. Then only the celebration of festival be meaningful.



Now Swine flu is well established in India against the belief of swine flu spread in colder regions. Hotter regions like India is also affected. In Pune about 10 died , In Tamilnadu 1 died in chennai, 3 admitted in Trichy. It also spread to southern districts like Madurai, Dindugal.As government measures they are taken precautionary measures. But its not enough.
People's attitude also must change. Chewing tobacco, guktha and spitting in public places especially in Theatres helps swine flu to spread fast. As precautionary measures government should impose complete ban on gutkha, tobacco despite the loss of revenue. People's health is more important than revenue from gutkha and tobacco products. Again I insist that government & the people's attitude must change . If not above mentioned suggestions not imposed even GOD can't save us.